A gripping tale of one mans journey through a future desolate world infected with the vampire plague, Robert Neville tells his own story, commentary and all through the ups and downs, of this new world. After months of being fed up with not knowing what caused the plague, and still haunted by the death of his family, he finally decides to begin researching what may have been the origin. Though Robert is not a scientist, he has all the time in the world to become one. He adds a trip to the library to his daily routine, where he finds books related to the cause, blood disorders and possibly a cure. Through this new process, Robert finds a renewal in his life, and as he comes close to a theory that may work, he encounters a young lady wandering the fields by his home. Realizing he is not the only human left alive, and once again with a companion to talk with, this changed man soon realizes this is not the end of the world but the beginning of a new one.
Richard Matheson wrote a book that I didn't even realize existed, and still effected my life. So many movies, inspirations, and interpretations stemmed from this amazing work of art, that there is no telling how many of them have touched me in some way, made me the sci-fi lover I am today, or helped shape the way we all look at the undead.
Written in a way I can understand, and greatly appreciate, Mr. Neville is explained through his own thoughts and phrases to be a normal man just stuck in a terrible situation. Smart and fast in his ways of protecting himself and his belongings, Roberts way of writing/speaking change from simple yet detailed, emotional and fast to react, with the conversations with his sub-conscience, to scientific and detailed with reasoning, interpretive, and now with conversations with another human being. Just like in any good thriller, Richard keeps you on your toes, impending doom, the detailed emotions and the heart renching reactions make you feel for the characters and put yourself in the situation.
I mean really, what in the world would you do if you we're in Roberts shoes?
Truthfully I had an idea already implanted in my mind before reading this novel because of all the movies and references in our culture today. Night of the living dead and I am Legend the movie both took root from this story. I imagined zombies everywhere, the story of this mans fight and his great success in showing the new world what he tried and accomplished. Those movies where completely off base! Although there are some blatant similarities, the overall story and message you were to receive is altered. The struggles and the inner turmoil is not expressed as vividly as in the original novel. Sure they may have been pretty, but the twists and turns were what made me want to turn the (virtual) page over and over.
Although I hated how it ended, I loved how it ended. I wanted the good guy to win. I wanted to hear he found another love and they lived happily ever after. Instead a new beginning showed, the new found companion showed herself to be the protagonist and the savior after all. The bad guys won, but somehow that's ok, actually it's really a great and an amazing twist.
This novel is one I will definitely read again. Timeless, thrilling, and still a brain twister, I am Legend gave me chills, made me tear up, and made me rethink humanity for a second (and if I should really get that flu shot).
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