Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Haunting at Hill House

(Truthful Explanation: I am poor and will only read books from the list that I can find online in PDF form. And boy was it a happy accident)

I thoroughly enjoyed this book by Shirley Jackson; a simple read aside from the dialogue which was sometimes difficult to keep up with. I think i especially enjoyed this book because I really am a wimp when it comes to scary movies, I love them, but i am terrified to the point of nightmares if i watch them at night. Because of this, I have not read any "spooky" novels that i can recall, and too my surprise: no nightmares. On the contrary, I couldn't put it down, and my mind began to finish the book and imagine alternate endings a third of a way in. I'm not sure if I liked the almost calm conclusion, but it flows nicely with the rest of the book, all of which is very descriptive, slow in acceleration, and oddly whimsical. I wondered what I would do in Eleanor's situation the entire time, how i would react, if i would have really lasted a week (I don't think i would have ever gone in the first place), or if I am even open to the "spirits". I believe, I believe in the holy ghost and so there has got to be a few unholy ones out there too. But really? The doors flexing, the laughter, the imaginary blood stains. I would have escaped to Paris at the sight of a house that looks down at me.

I wish I could write more to describe my feelings toward the novel, but there really isnt much more to it than I was scared out of my mind, and still couldn't put down the book. The characters worked well and shaped who the main character turned out to be a possessed, insane, lonely girl, who in the end felt broken at the loss of her only "home".

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